This article is about who is Mahakala in Buddhism, his iconography, various forms, and the stories of his origin.
Hayagriva – the wrathful emanation of Avalokiteshvara
This article is about who is Hayagriva in Buddhism, His origin, relation with Rudra, His iconography and doctrine.
Vajradharma Lokeshvara – A form of Avalokitesvara
This article is about Vajradharma Lokeshvara – who is He? His significance in Vajrayogini Tantra, and His description in Sadhanmala.
Padmapani Lokeshvara – the oldest form of Avalokiteshvara
In this article we will read about Padmapani Lokeshvara, the meaning and origin of his name, His iconography, and why devotees worship Him.
Sahasrabhuja Lokeshvara – thousand armed Avalokiteshvara
This article is about thousand armed Avalokiteshvara (Sahasrabhuja Lokeshvara) – His legend, His iconography and how He helped His devotee. Legend of Sahasrabhuja Lokeshvara – the thousand-armed Avalokiteshvara as per […]
Cundi – The Female manifestation of Avalokiteshvara
The article discusses Buddhist Goddess Cundi, references to her in ancient scriptures, her iconography, and the reasons devotees revere Her.
Cakrasaṃvara- The tantric emanation of Avalokiteśvara
This article is about Cakrasaṃvara – the meaning, significance, His story, association with Hinduism and the Iconography.
Amoghapasha Lokeshvara – The eight-armed form of Avalokiteshvara
This article is about Amoghapasha – The eight-armed form of Avalokiteshvara, His iconography, His Dharani and peculiarity of His Dharani.
Avalokiteśvara – the Bodhisattva of compassion
This article is about Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara. Who is He? The meaning of His name, His iconography, His mention in ancient literature and the advantages of reciting His name and mantra. […]
Aparmita Buddha – One of the three Buddhist Deities of long-life
This article is about Aparmita Buddha – Who is He, the story of His origin, Iconography, and differences with Amitabha Buddha.
Vairocana Buddha – the first of the five Dhyani Buddhas
This article is about Vairocana Buddha – the meaning of word Vairocana, who is Vairocana Buddha, His Iconography and His mention in the ancient literature. Meaning of the word Vairocana […]
Ratnasambhava Buddha – The third of the five Dhyani Buddha
This article is about Ratnasambhava Buddha – Who is He? His iconography, His mention in literature, and His doctrine & advantages of worshipping Him. Meaning of Ratnasambhava Ratnasambhava Buddha is […]