This article is about our general roaming in Hampi and discovering several hidden carvings and the general observations about its locational advantage.
Coracle Ride on the river Tungabhadra, Hampi
This article is about my experiences of Coracle Ride in the Tungabhadra River in Hampi – Clean-Serene waters, monuments around and history of coracles.
Vijaya Vittala Temple, Hampi – The Architectural Show-piece of Vijayanagar Empire
This article is about – the Vijaya Vittala Temple, Hampi – The iconic monument of Hampi – who constructed, architecture and its stone chariot
महाबलीपुरम यात्रा गाइड
महाबलीपुरम के मुख्य प्राचीन स्मारक हैं- रॉक कट गुफा मंदिर, रथ मंदिर , तटीय मंदिर और एकल शिल्प। ये सभी पल्लव वंश के काल में बने थे.
राजस्थानी संस्कृति में कुरजां पक्षी
लोकगीत सदा से ही देश काल की सच्ची परिस्थिति बयान करते रहे हैं. कुरजां ऐसा ही एक लोकगीत है, जिसमे नायिका/विरहिणी कुरजां पक्षी के हाथ अपने प्रिय को संदेसा भेजती है कि विवाह कर, वे उसे क्यों अकेली छोड़ गए हैं. कुरजां जाके नायक को सन्देश देती है और उसे भी वियोग में उदास पाती है. संदेसा पाकर नायक नौकरी/ साथी छोड़ कर एक सजीले घोड़े पर रातों रात चल देता है , पूरी रात बेतहाशा चलके भोर होते होते अपने घर अपनी प्रिया के पास पहुँच जाता है.
Top things to do at Kodaikanal
Before I ramble on the “Top things to do in Kodaikanal”, be warned of a satirical smile. Let us drown in the lake and view the viewpoints!
Shiva as Ardhanarishvara
This article is about the Ardhanarishvara form of lord Shiva, its symbolism, origin, and the representation in iconography.
Contributions of Dhurjati
This article is about Dhurjati, one of the Ashtadiggajas of the Vijayanagara empire, and his literary contributions and the books he wrote.
Foundation of the twin-temples at Pattadakal
This article presents a dramatized narrative of the establishment of the Virupaksha (commissioned by Lokamahadevi) and Mallikarjuna Temples (commissioned by Trailokamahadevi).
The History of the Chalukyas of Badami
This article is about the History of the Chalukyas of Badami who ruled large part of Karnataka between sixth to eighth century.
Malyavanta Hill, Hampi
This log is about the Malyavanta Hill in Hampi, Raghunatha Temple on the Hill, Shivalingas, Nandi (carved over the hill) and Talarigatta Gate.
Tripurantaka incarnation of Lord Shiva
This is about Lord Shiva as Tripurantaka, the story, representation of Tripurantaka in murals and idols and the significance of the story.