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- The Girnar Rock-Book Inscription
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This article is about the renowned Girnar Inscription and the eminent Indologist James Princep. It explores how the Girnar Inscription helped James Princep in deciphering the Brahmi Script and conclusively establish that Ashoka was not a mythical figure but a genuine historical personality.
Where is the Girnar Inscription?
The Girnar inscription is situated at the base of the Mount Girnar, a colossal five-peaked mountain that ascends sharply to a height of 1,117 meters. Mount Girnar, also known as Girinagar or Revat Parvata is a sacred mountain in the Junagadh city of Gujarat. Junagadh is located 327 kilometers from Ahmedabad and approximately 58 kilometers from Sasan Gir.
What to see in Girnar ?
The name Girnar is an aberration of Giri-Nagar – meaning a town on the hill. Girnar is a sacred city that has been on the pilgrimage route of both the Jains and the Hindus since before the third century BC. Muslim pilgrims also travel to Girnar to visit a mosque dedicated to Jamil Shah Peer.
The small city of Junagadh is rich in myths and legends, and has such an eventful past that it almost breathes history.
The devotees believe that climbing Girnar barefoot grants one a place in heaven. We stayed at Leo-Resort in Junagadh, near the Girnar gate on the way to the Girnar Hills.
There are approximately ten-thousand stone steps to reach the summit. With a ten-month-old baby, it was prudent to forgo the climb. I must confess that it was difficult for me to resist the allure of trekking the mount and enjoying the scenic and the breathtaking views along the way. The highlight for me would have been the visit to the ancient Jain temples of 11th and the 12th centuries.
Why is Girnar so important for Jains?
The temple topped hills of Girnar has special meaning and significance for the Jains. Twenty second Teerthankar – Bhagvan Neminath spent his life on and around Girnar.
The Story of Bhagvan Neminath ji
Lord Neminath, also known as Arishtnemi, was the cousin of Lord Krishna. He was on His way to be married to Rajul Kumari, daughter of the king of Dwarka, when he heard piteous moans of helpless animals being slaughtered for the food to be served at His marriage ceremony.
The frightful shrieks of the wretched, innocent animals had a profound impact on the mind of young Neminath. He decided not to marry, renounced all worldly pleasures, became a Jain monk and came to Girnar to attain salvation. After years of meditation and leading an ascetic life, he attained the highest state enlightenment – Keval Gyan and ultimately Moksha. There is a 12th-century-old temple of Bhagwan Neminath on the hill.
Rajul Kumari, his fiancée, also followed his path and became a sadhvi and founded the ‘Sadhvi Sangh‘, the organization of women ascetics.
On top of the peak is the temple of Amba Mata where newlyweds arrive to take blessings of the Goddess to ensure a happy married life.
Ancient account of Junagadh
Junagadh derives its name from the fort of Uperkot, an ancient fort that stands on the eastern side of the city (literal meaning of Juna in Gujarati is old).
Legend dates the origin of Uperkot fort to the times of Lord Krishna when Yadavas fled Mathura to settle in Dwarka. However, the historians consider it a myth. They believe that it was built by Chandragupta Maurya.
Junagadh was an important city during the rule of luminous monarchs of Mauryan dynasty starting from Chandragupta Maurya in 319 BC till the death of its most famous monarch Ashoka in 232 B.C
Girnar Rock Inscriptions – One of the Most Important monument of Indian History
On the way to Girnar Hill Temple, there is a huge uneven rock with a circumference of 7 meters and a height of 10 m on which Ashoka inscribed 14 edicts. This black and time-stained rock provided a crucial link to the scholars of British Raj in decoding ancient Indian history.
Today it is hard to appreciate that as late as the end of the 18th century nothing much was available with solid proofs about the Indian history prior to the Mohammedan invasions.
Girnar Inscription and the British Indology
I realized the painstaking research done by the British scholars when I read the book – “India Discovered, the recovery of lost civilization” by John Keay. This book is a tribute to the conscientious effort of British Academicians to re-discover the glory of ancient India as the land of fantastic and exotic east. These British Academicians came to India as amateurs; by profession they were soldiers and administrators, but they returned home as giant Scholars. I would like to quote Mr. A.J Arberry, a British Orientalist, “someday the whole story of British Indology will be told and that will assuredly make a glorious, fascinating and inspiring narrative.”
The very first book by John Keay that I read was “Into India.” At that time, I was skeptical, wondering if I needed to read a book by foreign author to learn more about my own country. However, this book, written in a free-flowing and lucid style, won my heart. I realized that my knowledge about India was quite incomplete.
The complexity and the amount of research John has done increased substantially in his subsequent books – “India: A History” and “India Discovered” Both these books left me spellbound and brought forth wonderful facts about history of India.
Girnar Inscription, James Princep and decoding of Brahmi Script
Girnar inscriptions bring with it the story of James Princep – India’s most successful British scholar. Twenty years old James Princep arrived in India in 1819 as an Assay-Master of a mint.
He was well educated in Chemistry, Mechanics and useful sciences. His outstanding traits were his habit of exactness and minute attention to details.
Two significant clues of ancient India were discovered at that time. The first discovery was inscriptions on the pillars and rock edicts of Odisha. These inscriptions were in Ashokan Brahmi, and the scholars were puzzled about the script and the king to whom these inscriptions belonged.
Princep worked painstakingly to understand them. The rock edict discovered in Orissa was worn out and it was very tedious to make any sense out of it. And then came the news of Colonel James Todd (another notable historian) stumbling across Girnar inscriptions in 1822 and this is how he described his discovery.
“ …The memorial in question, evidently of some great conqueror, is a huge hemispherical mass of dark granite, which like a wart upon the body has protruded through the crust of mother earth, without fissure or inequality, and which by the aid of ‘iron pen’, has been converted into a book. The measurement of the arc is nearly ninety feet; its surface is divided into compartments or parallelograms, within which are inscriptions in the usual character. …”
(Colonel James Todd)
This discovery enabled Prinsep to decode the script and also allowed him to illustrate the nine stages of development for each letter of modern Devanagari.

Nowadays it is agreed among the scholars that the Devanagari script has passed through three distinct stages; first the Ashoka Brahmi; second a more ornate, chunky script (Gupta Brahmi); and third, a more curved and rounded script (Kutila) from which springs the script of Devanagari.
The Ashokan edicts on Girnar rock impart moral instructions on dharma, equality, harmony, tolerance, peace and repent the evil of war.
Other mentions on Girnar Rock Inscription
The hump-backed rock also has two later records in Sanskrit added by Rudradaman in AD 150 and by Skandgupta in AD 450.
The Girnar inscription of Rudradaman is the earliest known classical Sanskrit inscriptions of significant length. This inscription state that Rudradaman repaired the irrigation system, which had previously suffered severe damage from a storm.
It sheds light on an ancient lake, Lake Sudarshan and a dam constructed over it by none other than Chandragupta Maurya, the grandfather of Ashoka.
Rudradaman also staunchly upheld Dharma, much like Ashoka, whose edicts he shared the rock space. Rudradaman-I belonged to the Saka dynasty, a nomadic power from Central Asia. Under his leadership, the Saka dynasty regained control over this region.

Skandagupta’s Sanskrit edict also talks about the repair of the same dam. Skandagupta was last of the five great Gupta Emperors (Chandragupta-I, Samudragupta, Chandragupta-II, Kumargupta and Skandagupta).
Gupta empire was set by Chandragupta-I (don’t get confuse him with Chandragupta Maurya) in AD 320. It is also known as the golden age of the Indian classical culture.
Many frescoes of Ajanta, the finest of Sarnath and Mathura sculptures, and the plays and poems of Kalidasa belong to this period. Skandagupta was the last powerful Gupta emperor, and he was responsible for defeating and repelling the “White Hun raids. After Skandagupta’s death, the Gupta regime declined.
The reason Rudradaman and Skandagupta chose the same rock for their edicts as the one bearing Ashoka’s inscription is likely to establish a connection with the Great Monarch. Though the difference between these three kings spanned centuries it is probable that the later kings were aware of Ashoka through oral traditions.
King Ashoka getting historically established by the decoding of Girnar Inscription
In the process of decoding the script, James Prinsep was able to establish that the Girnar inscription and the Odisha inscription were identical, written almost in the same era. To his own surprise and delight, he was also able to confirm Ashoka as a genuine historical figure.
Girnar inscription – Among the oldest written first-person statements
Ashoka, one of the most influential and powerful Indian emperors, had his thoughts and justifications for his rule miraculously preserved in the Girnar inscription. These inscriptions are noteworthy as the oldest written first-person accounts in Indian history. Before Ashoka’s first rock edict, no Buddhist texts or inscriptions had survived in their original form. However, from this point onward, there is a sudden surge of words across the rock shelters and boulders of Northern India, stretching from Kandahar to the Deccan, giving us the first ruler with a fully formed and rounded persona.
His fourteen edicts, which outlined his principles, were inscribed in Brahmi script on eighteen great rocks and polished sandstone pillars throughout the empire. These edicts, which he ordered to be carved across his empire, served as an early public address system, documenting his intentions.
Ashoka’s emotional renunciation of war and his remorse for the suffering he caused stand in stark contrast to the statements of his near contemporaries. Ashoka shunned both bloodshed and boastfulness. In his inscriptions, he makes no mention of the size of his empire, wealth, or power. Instead, in an earnest and highly individual voice, he portrays himself as a gentle and compassionate ruler, eager to spread his ideas of non-violence, respect, morality, and tolerance.
Ashoka’s rule
Ashoka ruled from 269 to 232 BC. His empire stretched from Orissa to Afghanistan and from Himalayas to at least as far south as Madras, only Cheras, Cholas and Pandyas remained independent in the southernmost tip.
In the first eight years of his reign Ashoka ruthlessly consolidated his power. At a point of time, he went into war with the tribal kingdom of Kalinga (Orissa and northern coastal strip of Andhra formed the kingdom of Kalinga).
Ashoka won the war, but the bloodshed, burnt houses, and scattered corpses left him pensive and repentant. He reflected deeply on the futility of war and the needless loss of human life. This reflection triggered a profound change in him; he renounced terrestrial aggression and embraced Dharma, gravitating towards Buddhism. Just as Saint Paul played a pivotal role in making Christianity a world religion, it was Ashoka who sent missions to spread Buddhism to distant lands.
Revelation of Ashoka’s personality from Girnar and other inscriptions
These remarkable inscriptions highlight Ashoka’s uniqueness, as he was the first king in history to present himself as an enlightened, humane, and gentle philosopher, rather than merely a strong and powerful ruler. Even as expressions of personal grief, pain, and repentance, or as confessions of religious conversion, the Girnar inscriptions are astonishing; it is hard to think of any other victorious ruler in history who has expressed anything similar. Ashoka remains a rare leader, even today, who is strong enough to say, ‘I’m sorry.
It reminds me of one of the powerful episodes of “भारत एक खोज”, a tele-serial directed by Shyam Benegal based on the book “Discovery of India” by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, that left a lasting impression on me.
Story of Ashoka and his younger brother
Ashoka’s younger brother – A carefree youth
This episode centers on Ashoka’s younger brother, a carefree youth who often mocked the Buddhist monks, their serious expressions, and their belief that the world is full of sorrows.
He was frequently in conflict with Ashoka over his kindness and charity towards the monks. One day, he grossly misbehaved with a monk, prompting Ashoka to realize it was time to address his brother’s behavior. Ashoka devised a plan with his prime minister to make him understand his mistakes.
Ashoka’s plan to make his brother realize his mistake
One day, in Ashoka’s absence from the court, the prime minister prompted his younger brother to sit on Ashoka’s throne to experience what it felt like. As soon as he took the seat, Ashoka entered, accused him of harboring a secret ambition to take over the throne, and had him arrested with orders for his execution.
However, seeing his brother sobbing, Ashoka softened. He decreed that the execution would only take place after a month, during which his brother would have every wish granted and fulfilled. Despite this offer, his brother remained grim and disinterested in worldly pleasures throughout the month.
Ashoka’s younger brother becoming a monk
Next month just before the execution, Ashoka revealed the truth to his brother that it had all been a charade to help him understand and respect the grim-faced monks who shunned worldly pleasures, always conscious of the ultimate end. This event dramatically changed the course of his once fun-filled brother’s life. He embraced Buddhism and became a monk. Indeed, life brings situations that can completely alter a man’s destiny.“
Mauryean Dynasty
Here is the list of the monarchs of Mauryan and Gupta empire and their ruling periods.
Founded by Chandragupta Maurya (he ruled from 321 to 297 BC)
Bindusar (ruled from 297 BC to 272 BC)
Ashoka (ruled from 273 BC to 232 BC)
Gupta Dynasty
Founded by Chandragupta – I (305 -325 AD)
Samudragupta (335-380 AD)
Vikramaditya ( 380-413 AD)
Kumargupta (415-455 AD)
Skandagupta (455-467 AD)
After few centuries Junagadh area and its fort were abandoned, possibly due to another disastrous flood in Sudarshan Lake.
Today, the Girnar boulder is housed in a small roadside building, which, although protecting the ancient monument, diminishes its impact.
I see the need for a short film that showcases this hump-backed rock and the majesty of Junagadh’s distinguished benefactors. Alternatively, a sound and light show could educate tourists about how this rock provided vital links to understanding the history of ancient India. Such a show could inform tourists about Ashoka—the great warrior, the gory battle of Kalinga, Ashoka’s change of heart, his acceptance of Buddhism, and how the treasured discovery of this rock-book provided insights into the golden past of our country and the philanthropic Indian tradition.
- India Discovered, the recovery of lost civilization – John Keay
- The incredible history of India’s Geography – Sanjeev Sanyal
- The Golden Road: How Ancient India Transformed the World – William Dalrymple
this inscriptions very useful to my research
thank you
Its a pleasure Dr N. Muthu that these inscriptions were useful in your research. May I request you to kindly write a brief write-up about your area of research and what you learnt more from the inscriptions (if possible), or may be to give link if you have them online.
Lovely.. lovely.. and amazing..
The 1000 year ancient history stay at only one rock..
I saw that discovery of india episode.. realy funy and remarkable practical knowledge. In this episode madira song is so funny..😂😃
Thanks Anurag for reading and leaving the comment.
Indeed, and that’s why this inscription is so significant. It is claimed that it was with this and other Ashokan inscriptions that were discovered in other parts, it could be scientifically concluded that Ashoka was in-fact a real emperor, who ruled on such a vast area of India.
I faintly remember the madira song, need to watch it again.
Thanks for sharing.