Indian Ash Tree, Lannea coromandelica
Local name in Hindi – Mohin, Moi tree, Sanskrit- Jinghini
Flowering Time in Bangalore- March April
Spotted at- Whitefield, Bangalore

His handsome and joyous appearance catches my eyes from the moving car.
I ask my husband to stop. My life partner pulls the car on the sides and asks for my sudden rush. I merely gesture- ‘follow me’. Hubby knows that I am certainly attracted by someone. It is a daily life for him to watch his wife enticed by these non-human living beings. He does not bother… we have two kids….an insurance for him.
They say that first meeting forms lasting impressions!
I am in my joggers, having cleaned the teeth and combed hair in a jiffy, after a hurried waking up in very early morning. He, the Indian Ash Tree, is in his ‘prime’ of handsome appearance, dashing with hundreds of sparkling ‘phuljhadis’ of flowery spikes.
He gives the impressions of being attractive, competent and extrovert yet soft and warm. I am acutely aware of my inferior appearance. This unplanned first meeting is putting me at a disadvantage.
But his soft yellowish flowery fireworks are infatuating me. I steady myself and make eye-contact.
He is not looking at my appearance. He comes closer and closer by letting me walk towards him.
As I stand under his aura, he sprinkles some of his sparkle on me.
He takes my promise that I will come back, when he gives a banquet to birdies in his ‘fruity’ suit. He says that I can meet many of my feathery-friends ‘flying’ for his banquet. I nod to say ‘yes’.
We humans put so much weight on the external appearance. He shows me that a peaceful and loving heart is what makes a human worth loving in his Tree-kingdom.

Beautiful poem indeed. Equally beautiful pictures.
Thank you Swaraj Ji !!!