There are just too many names for him- Jarul in Hindi, Queen’s flower and Pride of India in English.

Her eyes met him when she walked in lal Bagh in Bangalore. She knew that this was not their first meeting, they have met before many times. But they were in the status of being “Acquaintance”.
Here, through the dancing droplets of fountain, she found him to be standing majestically.
“When did he grew so tall?”, she wondered. When she was in Delhi, he always kept a humble status, never reaching out to the sky. Perhaps he waited for her to meet him in Bangalore.
She was mesmerized not just by his handsome, tall figure. He kept enticing her her, sometimes with a bright pink bouquet of flowers, later on immediately changing at the next meeting at some other place with a purple bouquet.
He asks- “Did you not spend a lot of time with me there in Delhi in my groves.”
She said- “Yes. I like you. I even liked when you were turning your leaves rust-brown.”
“So when do we grow the status from “like” to “love”?”, he asked.
Love takes time to grow. She is still shying away from commitment.
He understands. There are too many suitors for her in Bangalore.

Where to see Queen’s Flower tree in Bangalore- almost everywhere
Flowering season of Queen’s Flower- March April