- Dance of Sarus Crane
- Oriental White Eye
- Fairies of Pond- Pheasant Tailed Jacana
- Odisha: Birding at Mangalajodi
- Baya the Builder
- How to do ‘Birding / Bird watching’?
- Eurasian Jay- The Mimicry Artist of the Avian world
- कैसे बना मोर राष्ट्रीय पक्षी
- Alexandrine Parakeet , हिरामण सुग्गा
- प्रणय निवेदन ? पक्षियों से सीखें !
- How to woo the Girl ? Learn from Birds!
It is February! Valentine’s day is approaching fast!! Love is a many splendor-ed thing these days.
It is Spring Season in India, when Kamdev, the god of desires, becomes overactive to create suitable conditions for desires to blossom in every heart!!!

What can any one do when even gods are hell bent to make you fall in love. Falling in love has been eased by gods, but how to woo the girl ?
Gods can not help you with your ‘wooing’ and ‘proposal’ perplexity but feathery fairies can! I will take you to the world of bird’s courtship rituals to help you decide your own ‘wooing’ program.
The importance of Courtship Rituals in birds
The ultimate purpose to display a suitable courtship ritual for birds is to get her to say- YES. Note the word, Suitable.
From singing to dancing to feeding to nest building, birds have many courtship rituals. That is not it, they also mix and match two or more of these methods to woo the girl. Like Baya the weaver displays the bright yellow coat and build the nest too. Peacock also displays and dances too. And you can spot some of these unique behaviors right in your own backyard.

Some will be attracted by the display of beauty ( Six pack abs, for you), others will want to be sure of your ability to provide her ( six figure income), and some birdies will be charmed with singing and dancing ( stupid lasses will fall for your honey dripped words and biking stunts). Choose accordingly!
Depending upon the bird species (personal attitude), how the girl would react also shows the health, intelligence, strength and desirability. This two way lane of various ways of wooing and reciprocation allows birds to choose best partners for a viable and healthy relationship. Same is true for humans also.
Types of Bird Courship behaviour
A. Singing
Singing is the most common way birds attract mates. How intricate the song is, how much variety is there in the singing, is a matrix. It lets the girl decide if she would fall for the boy or not!
In some species only males sing, while in others females also participate to make a duet. Koel is the epitome of this Singing Display.

You can take a clue from this and boast about what you have and might have or not have but will surely have. Girls reserve the right to either make it a duet by same boasting or you will have to find another way to impress her.
My two cents- you may succeed this way but you are doomed! Both of you if it is a duet !
B. Displays
Gods have endowed many of the birds with flamboyant plumage. Displaying these ornately is a skill which birds use differently. Peacock dances to display his rich inherited wealth in most elaborate way.
Others like Pheasant tailed Jackana grows its central tail feather extra long to look attractive, purple sunbird discards the dull suit and hires glossy blue coat to look sexy. All come under the title- Display.

Take a clue from it and display what you have inherited or acquire if you not have – six pack abs, biceps and triceps, and go ! Impress the girl!
My two cents- If both of you value and have the looks, go ahead. It will work for you. If she has brains like me, you are doomed. Again!
Dancing and other Acrobatics
Besides classical dancing skills like in Sarus cranes, physical movements, like dipping the head as in many water birds, dare-do- dives, wild wing flipping, bill rubbing can be part of a courtship ritual.

In many species, the male alone will dance for his female while she observes his actions as in peacock. In other species both partners perform a couple dance like Saras cranes do.
Take a clue and take the girl to the dance floor, or show some bike stunts or the skills that you have. Robert wooed Priyanka on the dance floor!
My two cents- We all know what happens when Robert weds Priyanka !
Preening and Close Contact
Close contact between male and female birds is part of the courtship rituals that help diffuse the boundaries. Many birds preen one another, sit with their bodies touching, or otherwise lean on one another to show what their intentions are.

Making the girl sit on your bike, sharing an already squeezed seat in a metro, holding her in the jerky bus ride are your various options to impress her. Do not run ahead! You are just trying to woo her and propose her. Be a gentleman . Real intentions will follow later.
My two cents – You are doomed for sure. The charm will fade when you will get the license. The fee for license is too expensive and compliance is very demanding. Think twice!
Offering food is a really adorable courtship ritual in birds. A male bird may bring a morsel to the female, proving to the female his ability to find and share the food, so that she can really be carefree during maternity and after the delivery.
Some shy males bring food and leave it nearby for her to eat. Others are bolder, they place a seed or insect directly in her mouth just as he might be expected to do to feed hungry babies. (Or to indirectly kiss her.)

If your six pack abs and your Dad’s BMW did not woo her, ditch the gym and display. Go to work. Earn six figure income to get this intelligent girl.
My two cents- She is an intelligent girl. Worth trying for.
Building the Nest
Some birds show off their exceptional architectural skills to woo the girl like Baya the Weaver Bird. They build nests even before the female arrives, proving the claim over territory and their ability to pre-plan (which is a rare quality in human males) and provide the safe life for wifey and kids.
They may also decorate the nest with pebbles, moss, flowers to make it a cute home. The female may then choose the properly built nest and go with its builder, discard the ugly and unsafe options.

Boy! That is the sure shot way to woo the girl. Earn money, build assets and then propose her. She will say YES.
But before all this, Be A Gentleman ! Have a kind and loving heart!
Happy Wooing!!!
Amazing post specialy for 🐦 lover
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